Arctic aerosol measurements and transport in the frame of the Ice-Atmosphere-Ocean Observing System (IAOOS) project.
A new observational network is being developed for ocean-ice-atmosphere climate survey over the Arctic Ocean, in the frame of the French IAOOS Equipex project, to better understand the role of aerosols and clouds in the Arctic. Automated backscatter microlidar measurements have allowed to profile aerosols and clouds in the low and mid- troposphere during first campaigns, and to retrieve aerosol optical properties in complement to CALIPSO and IASI observations. Measurements taken end during spring 2014 close to the North Pole and end of winter 2015 north of Svalbard show large occurrence of aerosol and haze layers both from ground and space observations. Analysis of trajectories have been done to link more closely both observations types and better identify aerosol sources. Observations are presented and first results are discussed.