Reanalysis of the SPICAV-UV nadir spectra on the day side of Venus: SO2 , O3 and other UV absorbers
The ESA Venus Express spacecraft orbited around Venus between 2006 and 2014. During more than 14 Venusian years, its instruments, among which the UV spectrometer SPICAV-UV [1], acquired a wealth of data whose analysis has far from ended. Its nadir observations on the dayside enabled the analysis of the sunlight backscattered at Venus’ cloud top in order to derive column densities of UV absorbers above
the cloud top, most prominently SO2 [2, 3].
We present here a wholly new analysis of SPICAV-UV nadir data based on a complete reprocessing ofthe full observational dataset. Compared to our legacy analysis, this study also take advantage of a greatly improved version of our forward radiative transfer model.
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