Virial expansion of the electrical conductivity of hydrogen plasmas
The low-density limit of the electrical conductivity σ (n ,T ) of hydrogen as the simplest ionic plasma is presented as a function of the temperature T and mass density n in the form of a virial expansion of the resistivity. Quantum statistical methods yield exact values for the lowest virial coefficients which serve as a benchmark for analytical approaches to the electrical conductivity as well as for numerical results obtained from density functional theory-based molecular dynamics simulations (DFT-MD) or path-integral Monte Carlo simulations. While these simulations are well suited to calculate σ (n ,T ) in a wide range of density and temperature, in particular, for the warm dense matter region, they become computationally expensive in the low-density limit, and virial expansions can be utilized to balance this drawback. We present new results of DFT-MD simulations in that regime and discuss the account of electron-electron collisions by comparison with the virial expansion.