LOTUS Highlights on Ozone Trend Analyses and Phase 3 Direction
LOTUS (Long-term Ozone Trends and Uncertainties in the Stratosphere) is a SPARC-sponsored effort to foster collaboration between established and early career scientists around the world, with expertise in ozone observations, modeling, and trend tools, with an aim toward innovating new climate research that meets the needs of the ozone trends community and provides vital contributions to the WMO Assessment in an organized and cohesive way. Here we will summarize recent studies associated with the LOTUS effort that perform trend analyses on both total column and vertical profiles of ozone. The main findings of the derived trends from both observations and chemistry climate models have important implications for the status of the ozone layer as they pertain to the efficacy of the Montreal Protocol. These results also present new questions and knowledge gaps that will be outlined as areas of future study in Phase 3 of the LOTUS effort over the next few years to inform the next Assessment.