The Venus Climate Database
Based on the state-of-the-art Venus Global Climate Model developed in our team, and in the footsteps of what has been done for Mars with the Mars Climate Database (, a new Venus Climate Database (VCD) is now available to the community ( This tool was developed under ESA contract in the context of the preparation of the upcoming EnVision mission.∼ The VCD provides mean values and statistics of the main meteorological variables (atmospheric temperature, density, pressure and winds) as well as atmospheric composition and related physical fields. It extends from the surface up to and including the thermosphere (∼250km). The database contains high resolution temporal outputs (using 24 hourly bins) enabling a good representation of the diurnal evolution of quantities over a climatological Venusian day. As the goal of the VCD is to provide information about the state of the Venusian atmosphere, various realistic settings have been used to run a series of baseline GCM simulations, namely:
Simulations using various Extreme UltraViolet (EUV) input from the Sun, as this forcing influences significantly the thermosphere (∼120km and above). In practice three cases (solar minimum, average and maximum conditions) using fixed E10.7 forcings are provided. The user also has the possibility to obtain outputs corresponding to a chosen E10.7, which may either be specified as a set value (from 70 to 300 solar flux unit) or that corresponding to an actual Earth date. In these cases interpolation from the encompassing EUV scenarios is used to estimate the state of the system.
To realistically bracket the state of the atmosphere below the thermosphere, which may vary with long-term changes (over time scales of many Venusian days) of the UV cloud albedo, along with the baseline case, two supplementary scenarios where that albedo is under and over-estimated are also provided for solar average conditions. In addition to the aforementioned VCD scenarios, the following features are available:
A "high resolution mode" : although the GCM simulations have been run at the resolution of a few degrees in longitude and latitude (3.75° x 1.875°), some post-processing and a high resolution topography map (at 23 pixels/degree) have been used to adjust the local pressure (and density).
Access to the Venusian intra-hour variability (RMS) of main meteorological variables, as well as the Venusian day-to-day variability thereof, as estimated from the multiple Venus days of GCM simulations.
The possibility to add perturbations to the climatological fields as:
Small-scale perturbations, representative of gravity waves (which are unresolved in the GCM, but accounted for via adequate parametrizations).
Large-scale perturbations, representative of actual weather systems present in the GCM simulations. The VCD is distributed as (i) a main Fortran subroutine that users can interface and directly call from their own software, interfaces to call this gateway routine using other programming languages (e.g. C, Python, IDL, Matlab,...) are also available; (ii) a web interface, for quick looks (