Atmospheric escape rates from Mars – if it orbited an M Dwarf star
A. Brain Dave
K. Peterson William
Ofer Cohen
Thomas Cravens
Hilary Egan
Alison Farrish
Kevin France
Yoshifumi Futaana
Katherine Garcia-Sage
Mats Holmstrom
Lynn M. Kistler
François Leblanc
Yingjuan Ma
Aimee W. Merkel
Akifumi Nakayama
Laura M. Peticola
Robin Ramstad
Anronio Robin Renzaglia
Shotaro Sakai
Ryoya Sakata
Ennio R. Sanchez
NeeshaR. Schnepf
Kanako Seki
Robert J. Strangeway
Naoki Terada
Aline Vidotto
Lara Waldrop
W. Yau Andrew
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics [Boulder]
2 CfA - Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
3 KU - University of Kansas [Lawrence]
4 Rice University [Houston]
5 CASA - Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy [Boulder]
6 IRF - Swedish Institute of Space Physics [Kiruna]
7 GSFC - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
8 UNH - University of New Hampshire
10 UCLA - University of California [Los Angeles]
11 UTokyo - The University of Tokyo
12 UC Berkeley - University of California [Berkeley]
13 Hokkaido University [Sapporo, Japan]
14 SRI - SRI International [Menlo Park]
15 MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
16 Department of Earth and Planetary Science [Tokyo]
17 CAL STATE LA - California State University [Los Angeles]
18 Graduate School of Science [Sendai]
19 Universiteit Leiden = Leiden University
20 UIUC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [Urbana]
21 University of Calgary
2 CfA - Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
3 KU - University of Kansas [Lawrence]
4 Rice University [Houston]
5 CASA - Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy [Boulder]
6 IRF - Swedish Institute of Space Physics [Kiruna]
7 GSFC - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
8 UNH - University of New Hampshire
10 UCLA - University of California [Los Angeles]
11 UTokyo - The University of Tokyo
12 UC Berkeley - University of California [Berkeley]
13 Hokkaido University [Sapporo, Japan]
14 SRI - SRI International [Menlo Park]
15 MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
16 Department of Earth and Planetary Science [Tokyo]
17 CAL STATE LA - California State University [Los Angeles]
18 Graduate School of Science [Sendai]
19 Universiteit Leiden = Leiden University
20 UIUC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [Urbana]
21 University of Calgary
François Leblanc
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 175354
- IdHAL : francois-leblanc69
- ORCID : 0000-0002-5548-3519
- IdRef : 223432296
As far as we know, all life requires liquid water. Liquid water at the surface of a planet is only possible when the planet has an atmosphere. But atmospheres of planets can change with time. In some cases, particles from atmospheres of planets can escape the planet entirely, driven away to space through interactions with the light and particles from the star that the planet orbits. Spacecraft orbiting Mars have measured the different ways that atmosphere can escape to space, providing useful information about how escape would work in any circumstances. This information is of particular interest for planets orbiting other stars - if we understood which of these planets could hold on to their atmospheres then we could constrain which kinds of planets might be able to support life at their surface. At present, many planets are being discovered orbiting stars that are smaller and cooler than our own Sun. This presentation imagines that Mars has been placed into orbit around one of these smaller cooler stars. Our team uses observations of a small, cool star to drive computer models of how the atmosphere escapes from Mars. We then estimate how long the atmosphere would last.