Ozone_CCI: Geophysical Validation of uncertainties of ozone vertical profiles
We present the results of unified geophysical validation of errors bars
of individual Level 2 vertical ozone profiles, measured by limb and
nadir sensors participating in the Ozone_cci Project: GOMOS,MIPAS,
SCIAMACHY, ACE-FTS, OSIRIS, SMR and IASI. This work is a part of
Comprehensive Error Characterization Report of Ozone_cci Project.
The validation is performed by comparing the squared mean error estimate
with variance of a sample derived from the dataset, in a region with low
natural variability, for different separation distances. The approach
allows simultaneous validation of random component of uncertainty
estimates and experimental estimate of the structure functions of ozone
variations. In our presentation, we discuss how realistic we find the
ozone profile uncertainties for different instruments to be.