The ARISE project: dynamics of the atmosphere and climat
it has been robustly demonstrated that variations in the circulation of the middle atmosphere influence weather and climate throughout the troposphere all the way to the earth’s surface. a key part of the coupling between the troposphere and stratosphere occurs through the propagation and breaking of planetary waves and gravity waves. limited observations of the middle atmosphere and these waves in particular hamper our ability to faithfully reproduce the dynamics of the middle atmosphere in numerical weather prediction and climate models.
An exciting scientific development in recent years has been the potential for a number of novel ground-based measurement techniques to give new and complementary measurements of the middle atmosphere. the main challenge of the arise (atmospheric dynamics infrastructure in europe) project[1] is to combine for the first time existing national and international observation networks which observe the middle atmosphere including: the international infrasound monitoring system developed for the CtBt (Comprehensive nuclear-test-Ban treaty) verification, the NDACC (Network for the Detection of atmospheric Composition Changes) lidar network, localized european observation infrastructures at mid latitudes (OHp observatory), tropics (Maïdo observatory), high latitudes (alOMar and eisCat), infrasound stations developed at national level in european countries and satellite measurements. this joint network provided advanced data products, with the scope to assemble the derived upper atmospheric wind and temperatures into NWP models.
the arise infrastructure is unique because of its coverage (from polar to equatorial and tropical regions in the european longitude sector and adjacent regions), its ability to sense a wide range of altitudes (including stratosphere, mesosphere, lower thermosphere, ionosphere) and the involved scales both in time (from seconds to tens of years) and space (from tens of meters to thousands of kilometers). We are about to embark upon a new phase of development to allow the network be improved by i) including innovative instrumentation for measurements in the middle atmosphere between 40 and 80 km where temperature and wind measurements are especially rare, ii) adding measurements in low latitude african stations where only infrasound observations are currently available, iii) and by automating lidar and radar measurements for routine observations.
the major arise objective is to provide a full description of gravity and planetary waves in the stratosphere and mesosphere for wave parameterization and assimilation in the models. this could lead to a better prediction of extreme events such as Sudden Stratospheric Warming and improvement of the tropospheric weather forecasts on weekly time scales. the societal impact is potentially very large, including for sectors such as agriculture, industry, energy consumption, transport, insurance and risk quantification.
arise objectives are also i) to better characterize the coupling between atmospheric layers and effects on the global atmospheric circulation and climate, ii) to quantify the trends in extreme events relate to climate, iii) to determine the impact of the earth’s geo-space.
the project is multidisciplinary and includes european groups with complementary expertise in weather forecasting, climate, extreme events monitoring. it has partners in a number of international organizations including the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium- Range Weather Forecasts), WMO (World Meteorological Organization), sparC (stratospheric processes and their role in Climate), rOsMiC (role Of the sun and the Middle atmosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere in Climate), irGGea (international research Group in Geophysics europe africa).
this presentation will review recent advances in this topic especially obtained in the framework of the arise project. it will also discuss perspectives and future project challenges related to climate.
[1] arise is an infrastructure Design study project funded by the european Commission under the H2020 program.