Spatial and temporal variability of stratospheric HNO3 from IASI global measurements
Nitric acid (HNO3) plays a crucial role in the stratospheric ozone cycles but its spatial distribution
was until recently only accessible from limb satellite measurements, with medium coverage and
sampling. IASI provides since 2007 HNO3 concentration distributions with unprecedented spatial and
temporal sampling, which have not yet been exploited.
In this presentation, we will first briefly review the characteristics of the HNO3 profiles retrieved
from IASI and we will show results from a validation exercise, in which the HNO3 profiles and total
columns from IASI are compared with those retrieved from ground-based measurements at several
We will then show and discuss the spatial distributions of HNO3 IASI total and stratospheric columns
and assess the seasonal and inter-annual variability of HNO3 using the 8 years of IASI observations
available. Preliminary results from a simple multivariable regression model applied to these time
series will be shown to support the analysis and to identify the principal processes driving the
variability of stratospheric HNO3. In this discussion focus will be given onto the polar regions, where
the relation of HNO3 to ozone will be investigated in greater details.
With these results, the potential of using IASI for studying stratospheric chemistry will be more
generally highlighted.