IASI satellite observation of pollutants: best of 2017-2018
The IASI family of instruments has been sounding the atmosphere since 2006 onboard the Metop satellite series. Using the radiance data recorded in the thermal infrared spectral range, concentrations for atmospheric pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and ammonia (NH3) can be derived. IASI CO and O3 elds are currently assimilated in regional and global models in order to predict air quality over Europe; SO2 alerts are delivered when exceptional levels are encountered, and NH3 source hotspots are tracked throughout the globe.
Near-real time observation of these atmospheric pollutants allow to follow them at city, country and continent scales. This talk will present the ndings for 2017-2018, with a focus on re events, exceptional pollution episodes, and other unexpected features. Progresses to expect with the arrival of IASI on Metop-C and current limitations to derive long term trends will also be discussed.