11 years of IASI CO retrievals
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an important trace gas for understanding air quality and atmospheric composition. It isa good tracer of pollution plumes and atmospheric dynamics.With three IASI instruments flying on the Metop-A, Metop-B and Metop-C satellites, any location onEarth is now observed at least six times per day in the infrared spectral range. All cloud free observations areanalysed in near real time mode.IASI CO concentrations are retrieved from the radiance data using the Fast Operational Retrievals on Lay-ers for IASI (FORLI) algorithm, based on the Optimal Estimation theory. The operational production is performedat EUMETSAT and the products are distributed in NRT via EUMETCast under the AC SAF auspices.We present here an analysis of 11 years of global distributions of CO. Comparison with MOPITT CO data(v7T/v8T, record starting in 2000) will be shown. IASI and MOPITT data are jointly assimilated in the CopernicusAtmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS) to generate CO pollution forecasts. We will also focus on the pollutionevent that occurred in Europe in October 2017, where dust from Sahara and smoke from Portugal/Spain wildfireswere transported by hurricane Ophelia across Europe. 3D observations by ground-based, aircraft, and satellitedata compared with CAMS atmospheric composition analyses will be presented.