Stratospheric observations of acoustic-gravity waves from the Hunga-Tonga eruption
In the frame of the Strateole 2 balloon project, 17 long-duration stratospheric balloons were launched from Seychelles in fall 2021. At the time of the main eruption of Hunga-Tonga on January 15 2022, two balloons were still in flight over the tropical Pacific, respectively at altitudes of 20 and 18.5 km, and distances of 2,200 and 7,600 km from the volcano. The balloon measurements include wind, temperature and pressure at a sampling rate of 1 Hz. Those observations of this extreme event at that altitude are unique.
In this presentation, we will describe the observations of multiple wave trains by the balloons. The signature of the Lamb wave and infrasounds are particularly striking. The characteristics of the eruption and its scenario will be examined using a synergy of stratospheric in situ observations, ground observations and geostationary satellite images. Finally, we will discuss the complementarity of balloon observations with respect to the ground network due to their altitude and geographic location with respect to the source.