What is the role of oblique whistler waves in shaping of the solar wind electron function between 0.17 and 1 AU ?
In the solar wind, whistler waves are thought to play an important role on the evolution of the electron velocity distribution function as a function of distance. In particular, oblique whistler waves may diffuse the Strahl electrons into the halo population. Using AC magnetic and electric field measured by the SCM (search coil magnetometer) and electric antenna of Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe, we search for the presence of whistler waves at heliocentric distance between 0.17 and 1 AU. Spectral matrices computation and minimum variance analysis on continuous waveforms make it possible to identify whistler wave modes and to determine their direction of propagation with respect to the ambiant magnetic field (angle and direction : sunward or anti-sunward) . A statistical study of the inclination of these waves and of their parameters is presented and allows us to make assumptions about their roles. Single events are also presented in details