Geological modeling at ESA's ExoMars 2022 landing site Oxia Planum
The current generation of rovers exploring Mars for traces of life feature tools for subsurface sampling capabilities. This addition to the sampling capabilities of the martian rovers is crucial for the search for life. In fact, in the subsurface life is more likely to be protected from the harsh radiation environment present on the surface. The sampling of subsurface materials started with the analysis of the first millimeters of unweathered rocks being pulverized or abraded (NASA/MSL), evolved with the extraction of small cores from the first 10 centimeters (NASA/Mars2020), and will continue with the exploratory drilling of ESA's ExoMars 2022 which is capable of reaching 2 meters of depth. The proper planning and interpretation of measurements below the topographic surface require a model of the subsurface. Geological models are digital representations of subsurface structures generated by the sequence in time of processes putting in place different rocks and terrains. Geologic cross-sections are an example of bi-dimensional modeling that extends observations taken at the surface. Modern geologic models are commonly developed in three dimensions and used for terrestrial resource exploration, seismic analyses, and hydrologic simulations. The key to a good geologic model is the integration of measurements taken by different instruments. For ExoMars 2022, observations at the surface will be extended at depth by the spectrometer Ma_MISS which will read the mineralogical composition down to two meters, and the radar WISDOM which will collect geophysical images of the terrain down to ten meters or more. In this work, we explore different methods to generate geological models of the subsurface of areas at Oxia Planum and a selection of analog outcrops at different scales.