Organic Molecules Revealed in the Glen Torridon Region of Gale crater, Mars, by the SAM Instrument on Board Curiosity
Maeva Millan
Amy Williams
Amy Mcadam
Jennifer Eigenbrode
Andrew Steele
Caroline Freissinet
Daniel Patrick Glavin
Cyril Szopa
Arnaud Buch
James M. T. Lewis
Greg Wong
Christopher H. House
Brad Sutter
Ophélie Mcintosh
Alexander Bryk
Heather Franz
Chad I. Pozarycki
Jennifer Stern
Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez
Paul Archer
Valerie Fox
Kristen Bennett
Samuel Teinturier
Charles Malespin
Sarah Johnson
Paul Mahaffy
GU -
Georgetown University [Washington]
2 UF - University of Florida [Gainesville]
3 GSFC - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
4 Carnegie Institution for Science
6 LGPM - Laboratoire de Génie des Procédés et Matériaux
7 Howard University
8 Penn State - Pennsylvania State University
9 Penn Museum - University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
10 Jacobs Technology ESCG
11 UC Berkeley - University of California [Berkeley]
12 UNAM - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México = National Autonomous University of Mexico
13 UMN - University of Minnesota [Twin Cities]
14 ASU - Arizona State University [Tempe]
2 UF - University of Florida [Gainesville]
3 GSFC - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
4 Carnegie Institution for Science
6 LGPM - Laboratoire de Génie des Procédés et Matériaux
7 Howard University
8 Penn State - Pennsylvania State University
9 Penn Museum - University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
10 Jacobs Technology ESCG
11 UC Berkeley - University of California [Berkeley]
12 UNAM - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México = National Autonomous University of Mexico
13 UMN - University of Minnesota [Twin Cities]
14 ASU - Arizona State University [Tempe]
Maeva Millan
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 1033161
- IdHAL : maeva-millan
Andrew Steele
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 1240946
- ORCID : 0000-0001-9643-2841
Caroline Freissinet
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 183739
- IdHAL : caroline-freissinet
- ORCID : 0000-0002-6528-330X
- IdRef : 152939725
Cyril Szopa
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 175829
- IdHAL : cyril-szopa
- ORCID : 0000-0002-0090-4056
- IdRef : 068537921
Christopher H. House
- Fonction : Auteur
- PersonId : 1157323
- ORCID : 0000-0002-4926-4985
Organic molecules, essential to life as we know it, are being searched on Mars by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument on board the Curiosity rover, to better understand the past and/or present habitability of Mars. Terrestrial clay minerals are known for their organic preservation and can be key indicators of past habitable environments. The martian Glen Torridon region in Gale crater is specifically abundant in clay minerals, and to evaluate its organic preservation potential, 7 rock samples were collected and characterized with SAM. The SAM results indicate the presence of various organic compounds, including new sulfur-containing and ring-structured organics and the highest abundance of sulfur organics observed to date, which are likely indigenous to Mars. A portion of these S-bearing molecules may also be related to the presence of chemical reagents carried in SAM, making attribution to a definitive source challenging. Nevertheless, these new SAM results confirm that ancient organic matter is preserved in the clay mineral sediments of Glen Torridon but its origin (meteoritic, abiotic or biotic) has yet to be established