On the use of partial interferograms for GHG measurement using a solar occultation geometry
ImSPOC which acronym means Imaging Spectrometer On Chip is a concept of compact Fourier imaging-spectrometer developed at ONERA and IPAG since a few years [French patent registered the 30th, June 2016 under n°16 56162]. It is based on a static micro-interferometer array that provides one-shot retrieval of both spatial and spectral information without scanning component. The first onboard prototypes operate in visible and in near infrared with a mid-spectral resolution (R from 10 to 100) and a few square dozens of imaging pixels, for geophysics or drone-based gas detection purposes. We studied the capabilities of the concept for high spectral resolution monitoring of GreenHouse Gases (1,000
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Dernière modification le : lundi 9 décembre 2024-03:36:58
Silvère Gousset, Laurence Croizé, Sébastien Payan, Yann Ferrec, Etienne Le Coarer. On the use of partial interferograms for GHG measurement using a solar occultation geometry. 20th EGU General Assembly, EGU2018, Apr 2018, Vienna, Austria. pp.12035. ⟨insu-04521588⟩